Monday 30 November 2015

Coming Soon: Terrible Two's!

When my brother was young, that was the time when I heard the term “terrible two’s and three’s”. My Mom told me that it is the peak where toddlers would try to impose their authority and independence. It is basically like having teenagers around the house. The only problem is that some toddlers do not start speaking until about later. So it is easy to say that there is a language barrier issue. But then, teenagers speak the same language as we do but still things end up messy so, yeah, maybe it is not the language, then. 

When my brother was little, I did not really see what was so terrible with having a 2 or 3-year-old. Maybe because I was not involved in imposing discipline to him (it was my parents’ role anyway!). Or I was not just paying too much attention back then. But now that I am a Mom, I can clearly see why they say that this is a big deal. 

My son will turn 2 years old in a couple of months and I can see some signs where he wants to gain independence. I also see him trying to manipulate us to do things in favor of what he likes. In case you are curious, here are the things I am talking about:

  • One minute he acts so sweet then smiles. Approaches his Dad or me and get our hand to get something he is not supposed to touch/play with.
  • He is the King of Drama. Will make fake cries when we don't give something to him.
  • Learned how to stomp his feet when upset. I can only blame the Youtube nursery rhymes with this.
  • Grabs his spoon/fork/chopsticks to feed himself.
  • Gets the soap to take a bath.
  • Screams when he wants to get out on a cold, freezing, rainy day and I don't allow him.
My husband and I try our best to keep patient since we know it is a normal phase in his baby life. Although I have to admit, it is quite hard to be patient and try to enforce discipline at the same time. Anybody here in a similar boat as we do? How do you keep your sanity intact and discipline your toddler at the same time?

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